ANYTHING BUT TYPICAL by Nora Raleigh Baskin

ANYTHING BUT TYPICAL JACKET COVER.jpgThe book, ANYTHING BUT TYPICAL by Nora Raleigh Baskin, is about an autistic boy named Jason. Anywhere Jason goes there’s a problem but when he writes on the Storyboard website, he turns into a different person. When Jason posts one of his stories a girl reads it and really likes it. So, they start to talk and share their different stories with each other. Since Jason has talked to her, he hasn’t been having any problems in school.
Every year there is a Storyboard convention Jason always wanted to go. Because he’s been doing well in school, his parents decide to take him. The girl he shares his stories with is also going. The one thing going through Jason’s mind is will she hate me or will she like me?
I would recommend this book to middle school students, both boys and girls.
Lauren Moerler
Clarke Middle School
Grade 6

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