BAD BOY by Walter Dean Myers


The book BAD BOY by Walter Dean Myers is one of the greatest autobiographies that i have ever read. Usually autobiographies aren’t as fun as regular books but this one was just amazing. Walter Dean Myers is known as one of the greatest authors ever and has had many top selling books including Monster. This book is about Walter who had a very struggling childhood with no birth parents. Walter was adopted because his birth parent didn’t want him since his birth mother had died. Walter had a very devious childhood and he got a lot of love from his mother who had adopted him. He went to Stuyvesant high school since he was smart, but didn’t get a high school diploma because he cut class. Walter often went to books to seek refuge when he was sad or mad. I like this book because it shows that even though Walter didn’t get a high school diploma he still became very successful. This shows shows that if you have a dream and you want it and you strive for it, it will come true.
I recommend this book for people who want to be inspired.
Yash Shah
W Tresper Clarke HIgh School
Grade 9

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