HITCH by Jeanette Ingold

HITCH%20Jacket%20Cover.jpgHITCH by Jeanette Ingold is historical fiction with universal themes.
The Great Depression had struck Moss Trawnley, a seventeen-year-old janitor at Muddy Springs Airport. He was just fired from his job and now Moss was jobless and homeless. His father left to get a job at WPA and hadn’t returned for two years. Moss needed to get his father back to have him support his mom and siblings in Spanish Creek, Louisiana. After many attempts Moss found his father without a home or job. He turned into a drunken hobo. Moss realized his father was useless to bring home so Moss decided to find a decent job at CCC (President Roosevelt’s Civilian Conversation Corps). At least he will have food and a shelter. While the trip to Monroe, Montana, he was able to make new friends such as Nate, Sam and Apple. As soon as Moss was enrolled, they were assigned to a new project. As Moss worked harder, he learned to take action faster and better. After all Moss’s hard work and determination he earned himself a great future and a good life.
This is a must read book!! If you like a realistic fiction then you should definitely read this novel.
Stephanie Zhang
Grade 8
WT Clarke Middle School

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