It has just come to my attention there is a presidential award that seventh grade students may get through their schools. One of the requirements is volunteering in the community. Our YA BOOK LOG is a community of individuals who read. Anyone interested in obtaining some community service credit might consider writing a review.
Should you want to recommend a book for discussion, please send your review to the young adult librarian at [email protected] and it will be entered on the blog. The requirements for community services are:
1. The book must be found in the East Meadow Public Library’s young adult or adult collection and has not previously been reviewed on the site.
2. The review must be 125 to 150 words long. It should include a summary of the book and who you think should read this book.
3. Please write the review using appropriate language and grammar.
4. Only one title per month will be accepted for community service.
All reviews will be credited with your name, grade and school. Each review will receive one hour of community service.
Submitted by Mrs. Jackson
Head of Young Adult Services

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