Archive for the 'Non Fiction' Category


Cover of the National Directory of College Athletics.jpg
Occasionally a book comes into the Young Adult reference collection that needs to be seen by many teens and the following title is one every student athlete may need to look at.
Planning to play sports in college, you might want to look at the reference book commonly known as THE YELLOW PAGES OF COLLEGE SPORTS or THE 2006-07 NATIONAL DIRECTORY OF COLLEGE ATHLETICS, the Men’s Edition. This spiral bound directory lists 2090 junior and senior colleges that compete in intercollegiate athletics.
Each entry lists the name, address and telephone of the college, affliliation to the NCAA, conference, enrollment, colors, nicknames, college president,stadium and arena. The important facts come next. Athletic Director list name, telephone number and email address. Each sport is listed alphabetically with the coach’s name and telephone number. If the sport is really big at the college you might find the assistant coaches listed.
When I checked out my alma mater, the University at Albany, I discovered the university had a Director of events management and operations, a media relations individual and a football team. I did graduate in the last century, before it became known as the University at.
There is one interesting advertisement. The Hilton family of hotels lists hotels by state, city and approximate mileage to different colleges from a particular hotel.
This title is held at the Young Adult Services desk and will require a library card.
Submitted by Mrs. Jackson
Head of Young Adult Services

TEENS COOK DESSERT by Megan and Jill Carle

Cover of Teens Cook Dessert.jpg With their Mom, a cookbook editor, and their Dad, a true lover of desserts, two teen sisters created a dessert cookbook for teens. It is a step-by-step guide to baking covering cookies, cakes, pies, puddings and other stuff, from quick and fun to more involved and dazzling.
There are more than 75 recipes including 120 photos showing step-by-step procedures and finished desserts. All the recipes are real teen favorites like peanut butter and jelly cookies and banana splits. There is a wonderful section called Things you should know about ingredients. It is things they don’t say in the recipes like wash all fruit before using them. Simple, yes, but some people don’t know this.
My favorite section is the Holiday Stuff, because some of the recipes could make really terrific holiday gifts. How about some Chocolate-Dipped Shortbread or Snowflake Cookies wrapped in a box with a fabulous bow or what about Gingersnaps with Pumpkin Dip for Thanksgiving. According to the Carle sisters, “This is a required snack in our house on Thanksgiving. I think everyone wants a little pumpkin fix without waiting until after dinner for the pie.”
Anyone who love to cook should check out TEENS COOK DESSERT.
Submitted by Mrs. Jackson
Head of Young Adult Services


Cover of How to Survive in Antarctica.jpg
With the days getting shorter and temperature dropping I know that winter is on its way. I guess we are lucky to have only 13 weeks of possible snow and freezing temperatures, but imagine living, or I should say surviving in Antarctica. Lucy Jane Bledsoe, a photographer and writer, went on exploratory trips to Antarctica sponsored by the Antarctic Artists and Writers Program of the National Science Foundation, and learned how to survive.
Ms Bledsoe took three trips to Antarctica. She learned how to build a snow shelter, what to do if you fall into a cervass; and most important learning to listen to other people, it could save your life. The book also contains a complete guide to the wildlife of Antarctica, the weather code, the different kinds of ice and a history of the explorers who faced the hardships of this icy continent.
Antarctica is a place I have always wanted to visit, but since that is no longer possible Lucy Jane, guest author, gives the best travel guide I have ever read.
I would recommend this book for anyone going to Antarctica, but if you are really interested in builing snow shelter I think grades 6 to 8 would enjoy, HOW TO SURVIVE IN ANTARCTICA.
Submitted by Mrs. Jackson
Head of Young Adult Services


As the days grow shorter and darker, you may be spending more time at home and that might mean more trips to the refrigerator for a snack.
A cookbook has just arrived in the library called BIG SNACKS, LITTLE MEALS: AFTER SCHOOL, DINNERTIME, ANYTIME by Rose Dunnington. This book tells you everything you need to know to make a sensational snack, from measuring ingredients to mastering basic cooking techniques. According to the author, “This is a book about real cooking, not some little kids’ book about making PB & J sandwiches that look like bunnies.”
If you are into salsas, burritos, trail mixes, pancakes, chowder and all other kinds of foods, there are 50 tasty recipes any teen would love.
Submitted by Mrs. Jackson
Head of Young Adult Services